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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sunspots 504

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Relevant tells us the real reasons why we don't invite others to church.
Relevant also has a fine article on the so-called Culture Wars. Christians shouldn't be fighting them.

Computing: Relevant says that we can now play MS-DOS games, such as Oregon Trail. I was able to get that game visible on our system, but couldn't get it to play, probably because we don't have a game controller.
National Public Radio says that Americans aren't getting the best smartphones, at the best prices.

Wired tells us why we don't usually like photos of ourselves very much.

Sports: A fantastic buzzer-beating basketball shot -- so fantastic that the shooter didn't think it had a chance. Brief video. The buzzer was the shot clock, not the game or half-time clock.

 Image source (public domain)


FancyHorse said...

I liked those articles on Christianity from Relevant.

Martin LaBar said...

Thanks for your encouragement, FancyHorse.